your password: 07Ol|cd=j#

genrated in 0.00030612945556641 sec

Copy the sourcecode and run it on you own server, if u want to!

$time = microtime(true);
define("CAPITAL", 1);
define("LOWER", 2);
define("NUM", 4);
define("SPECIAL", 8);

## set length and type of key ##
#length of the key
$length = 10;

#types of chars that may be included

#types of chars that have to be included
$mustInclude = NUM | CAPITAL | LOWER | SPECIAL;

#setting vars
$ranges = array();
$ranges[CAPITAL] = array("from" => 65, "to" => 90);
$ranges[LOWER] = array("from" => 97, "to" => 122);
$ranges[NUM] = array("from" => 48, "to" => 57);

# generating key
$key = "";
while(strlen($key) < $length) {
  $c = rand(33, 125);
  $t = type($c);
  if( !includes($include, $t) ||
      countTypes($mustInclude) > 0 &&
          $length-strlen($key) == countTypes($mustInclude) &&
          !includes($mustInclude, $t))
  $key .= chr($c);
  if(includes($mustInclude, $t))
    $mustInclude -= $t;

echo '<html>
      <p><strong>your password: ' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '</strong></p>
      <p>genrated in ' . (microtime(true) - $time) . ' sec</p>
      <p>Copy the sourcecode and run it on you own server, if u want to!</p>
      <pre>' . htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents(__FILE__)) . '</pre>

#checks whether a type is in types
function includes($types, $type) {
  return ($types & $type) == $type;

#gets type from charCode
function type($c) {
  global $ranges;
  foreach($ranges as $type => $range) {
    if($c >= $range["from"] && $c <= $range["to"]) {
      return $type;
  return SPECIAL;

#counts types in given types
function countTypes($types) {
  global $ranges;
  $n = 0;
  foreach($ranges as $type => $range) {
    if(includes($types, $type)) $n++;
  return $n;